said goodbye to x'mas and now is the last five days remaining for the year 2009.
next year will be the last year of my high school...
and its SPM time!!!
i can't wait for it!!!
hope it will really last for as long as possible..
this whole holidays...
sometimes fun, sometimes boring, sometimes busy, sometimes too free...
many plan that i planned before it did not done yet...
bought many stuff, going to face next year with a new person soon...
nt going to take my old road that i have being walking it for the past few years
nt going waste anymore time on those useless games...
just do anything i can, i like, i want..
have fun, spend more time with my frenz, study hard and PLAY HARD!!!
just wan to make my last year of high school memorable, fun and meaningfull..
i had make a mind set, just make more frenz...
be more socialise and other things i can onli just say let fate decides..
so excited to face 2010 and f5!!!